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Aside from the large number of dogs, cats and other animals NARPS pulls,

we also do our best to try to help our larger than life, four legged friends as well!


Unbeknownst to some, every year a large number of horses end up in the slaughter pipeline. Some of these horses have served a long, hard life of service and may need a slower pace. Some, may be at the end of their journey and rather than a humane ending are sent off to auction for their owners to collect one last check. From there, facing a long, trying ride to either Canada or Mexico where they will be slaughtered for their meat. Likewise, many young, untrained horses who have never been given a chance are also dropped off at these auctions. 


Though we can not pull at the rate which we are able to help dogs (larger animals bring astronomical vet bills),

we selectively take on a handful of horses every year that desperately need our help.

Read about their stories below and follow their journeys!

Help be part of the recovery process for these animals who cannot speak for themselves.


June 3rd

July 25th


Say hello to our golden boy, "Midas!


A sweet, older belgian work horse who gave a life of service only to find himself at a local auction; where only the killers were interested. Why you may ask? He appeared healthy, happy and kept at a good weight.

As he was tied among a large line of work horses, he caught the eye of one of our NARPS' volunteers. Head down, uncomfortably shifting back and forth something was clearly not right. Upon closer inspection they found the source of the problem, were hit with an unforgettable stench. Looking down, it was unmistakable. Midas had a horrific hoof injury, what appeared to be the most severe case of canker anyone has ever seen.

A call was made and the approval was given to purchase the majestic animal that stood before her. The initial plan, as canker can be vicious and very painful was to be humane euthanasia.

He was shuffled into the arena and we won the bid, $350.

Shipping arrangements were made and Candace started en route to the auction to meet and pay for Midas. The plan was to give him pain medication and transport him back to our quarantine facility. Vets were called and scheduled to humanely euthanize Midas the following day.

Then Candace and Midas met. Despite his poor condition and indisputable pain, he was kind, cooperative, had an undeniable spark to him and a will to live.

We pulled out every stop, called numerous vets and farriers and racked all the brains we could find. A plan was made and it was decided that as long as Midas' pain was manageable and upbeat spirit remained we would attempt to tackle this massive case of canker. If at any point he gives us any sign that the pain is too much, that he is done with this fight, he will be humanely laid to rest.

We had a long, uphill battle ahead of us and it will be an estimated 6 months to a year before our Golden Boy would be able to completely regrow a hoof. This included monthly vet checks, stall rest, daily pain management medication and bandage changes.

Sadly, we had to lay our golden boy to rest on November 21, 2017.


If you'd like to read more about Midas and see more photos of him, click the photo to the left!


Meet our Horses

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